Complacency. Comparison. Conformity. Poor health. Financial struggles. Crumbling relationships.
Welcome to your midlife crisis. While you may not want to admit it, you’re miserable— even if from the outside looking in, you’re standing at the peak of what might look like success.
But when YOU take that good, long, hard look at yourself in the mirror, you feel one thing: mediocre.
That’s a scary problem to solve, and most people solve for the wrong things. The result is that we aren’t present. We overcommit and under-deliver, trying so hard to be everything for everyone that we end up falling short everywhere — including ourselves.
From Mediocre to Maximized is Greg Scheinman’s message of hope for people in this position, built around both his own personal transformation and what he’s learned from interviewing the world’s top performers.

Topic #1: Mediocre to Maximized
The 5 Rules to Transform From Mediocre To Maximized in Business & in Life.
Topic #2: Maximizing Midlife
How to live better, stronger, happier, healthier, wealthier and have more fun in middle age.
Topic #3: Redefining Success
From Salary & Title to The 6F’s. How to turn Your F’s into A’s and get back what matters most.
Topic #4: Focus on HOW, not WHY
The breakthrough action over outcome message that everyone needs to hear.
Topic #5: Redefining Aging
Stop viewing aging with fear and start seeing it as something aspirational.
Additional Popular Topics
Overcoming Adversity. Living a High Performance Lifestyle. Growth Mindset.

His system will help anyone he coaches or speaks to on their path to fulfillment and much more—
all built around Greg’s 6 F’s Metric For Success.
Family is number one, the most important thing in anyone’s life. When Greg’s father passed away at age 47, he committed to never missing out on a moment of his own family’s lives.
Fitness Prioritizing this is imperative, and what it comes down to is health, sustainability, and longevity. Aesthetics are just a bonus of healthy living and activity.
Finance is often overlooked or avoided because it makes people feel anxious or stressed. But money matters and financial freedom is all about being able to afford to do the things you want, when you want, with the people you want.
Food We’re really talking about nutrition and being intentional with what we choose to put in our bodies. We truly are what we eat. When we eat with purpose, clarity, knowledge and quality we find ourselves better equipped to take on any challenge. Food is fuel, flavor and fun.
Fashion The power of authenticity. How we present ourselves and want to be perceived. Dress in clothes that are comfortable, stylish, and reflect who you are. It’s amazing how much you’ll start living up to your style in the choices you make, becoming iconic in your personal brand.
Fun Without enjoying your life, what’s everything else about? This is the cornerstone of the mediocre-to-maximized program. It’s what we do it all for.

(1) Proven Transformation Greg has helped hundreds of individuals and organizations who want to perform better, feel better, and get more out of their lives and careers.
(2) Lived-In Experience Greg’s been from the top to the bottom and back to the top again, bringing that real-world experience to every message and coaching session.
(3) Personal & Personable Greg’s not about playing a persona. What you get is the real Greg— passionate about helping you get to the next level and maximize this incredible stage of your life. Greg lives his message 24/7, 365 days a year.
(4) Focus on What Counts Too many men fall into The Over-Indexing Trap at work; which only leads to burnout and missed priorities. Greg focuses on Total Life Wellness, which allows room for professional success and ensures that family and fitness are every bit as prioritized as financial prosperity.

(5) Success in Life & Work If you want to maximize every aspect of your life, Greg’s system of the 6 Fs is the proven method for complete transformation— from how you engage with your relationships to how you dominate your career goals.
(6) Research-Driven Approach In researching his upcoming book, Greg has uncovered the science-backed secrets to why men become anxious and depressed in middle-age— and how top performers break through these barriers for good.
(7) Look Inside, Succeed Outside Greg isn’t afraid to dive deep on the motivations, insecurities, and other internal factors that cause burnout and midlife mediocrity.
(8) Captivating Presence Whether onstage or in a boardroom, Greg’s presence is marked by a confident, credible, relatable and yet, aspirational vibe that audiences everywhere love.

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